Adult Sisters Qur'an & Islamic Studies class. Every Mon. Wed. Fri. 10am - 12pm
Brothers ages 18+ Tajweed & Fiqh class every Wed. after Esha.

Resident Female Islamic Scholar


Aalimah Khadijah Ahmed was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. In 2012 she commenced her journey of learning the sacred Islamic sciences. Over the course of seven years, she engaged in an intensive full-time study of the Qur’an, Tafsir, Hadith, Principles (Usool) of Tafseer and Hadith, Fiqh, Aqeedah, Tajweed, and Arabic Grammar. She has also studied the famous six books of hadith and has obtained Hadith Ijazah from her Shuyukh. In March 2019, she graduated from Khairul Ummah in Toronto and was formally certified as an Aalimah.  

After graduating, she moved on to memorizing the Holy Qur’an at Jam’e Abu Bakr Siddique in Scarborough and completed her Hifdh in 2022.  

In addition to her ‘Alimiyyah degree, she completed a one-year in-depth study of Fiqh of Menstruation.

She has conducted presentations in Masjid Bilal for sisters on the topics of Preparing for Ramadhan and Fiqh of Menstruation. Currently, she teaches the adult sisters Qur’an & Islamic Studies class along with organizing sisters exclusive events with her volunteer team.

She continues to further her studies alongside teaching and spending time with young female Muslimahs.

Currently she serves as the resident Islamic female scholar for Masjid Bilal Muslim Association and organizes sisters exclusive events and classes with her team of volunteers. Scroll down for details.

Sisters can contact her with their questions or for an appointment by sending an email to:

Sisters Team

The main goal of the Sister’s Team is to hold exclusive programs for the sisters that are organized by the sisters. This team consists of skilled volunteers with expertise in their respective fields. This team focuses on expanding masjid programs catered for sisters of all age groups. Along with facilitating learning opportunities for sisters, these events also strengthen the bond and unity amongst sisters of diverse cultural and social backgrounds.

To date, the team have organized the following events:

  • Islamic Tarbiyyah: Raising the Next Generation of Muslims (in collaboration with Khalil Center)
  • Weekly Classes for Adult Sisters, ages 18+ for details please click here
  • Tea & Talk – Fiqh of Beauty and Understanding Purity, ages 18 – 35
  • Kids Programs, ages 4 – 10
  • Get Ready for Ramadhan – all ages
  • Community Potluck, with story telling & nasheeds for all ages
  • What to do on Halloween – for mothers
  • Jeopardy & Self-Care, ages 13 – 20
  • Foundations of Marriage, a workshop for sisters ages 18 – 29
  • Navigating Social Media During Gender Uproar, ages 13+
  • Tafseer during Ramadhan – all ages


1) Aalimah Khadijah Ahmed

2) Aalimah Anam Kadri is a writer from Toronto, Canada, with a background in Islamic studies. She studied advanced Islamic theology under the supervision of esteemed scholars for 5+ years, and she obtained her Aalimiyah degree in March 2019 from Khairul Ummah Academy, Toronto. Beginning in 2018, she annually teaches Quran Tafsir during Ramadan with guidance from her respected Ustadhah and fellow scholars.

In addition, Anam holds a B.A. Hons. degree in English and Professional Writing from York University, Toronto. Often using her writing to analyze and shed light on women’s issues in culture and society, she is a passionate advocate for the empowerment of Muslim women and youth in the Western diaspora and around the world.

3) Dr. Anum Rafiq

Areas of Expertise

Child and youth mental health; Canadian education sector; Healthy intimate relationships; Social determinants of health; Healthcare services and quality improvement; Program evaluation

Dr. Anum Rafiq is a health services researcher with a focus on child/youth mental health, the Canadian education sector, intimate relationships, social determinants of health, and vulnerable communities. She has completed her MA and PhD in Health Policy & Equity, along with an MBA from the Ted Rogers School of Management. She is a researcher who is passionate about how policies and decisions made by people in power impact the lived experiences of others.

She is a dedicated and compassionate Muslim woman with a strong commitment to supporting and empowering Muslim youth and couples in building healthy and fulfilling relationships. Born and raised in Saudi Arabia and now residing in Canada, she brings a unique perspective that bridges her cultural heritage with the Canadian context.

4) Aalimah Sarah Ahmed was raised in Toronto, Canada. She recently graduated from the rigorous seven year ‘Alimiyyah program at Al Khalil Academy and has obtained ijazah in the six canonical books of Hadith.

Alongside her ‘Alimiyyah studies, she obtained an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Mental Health from the university of Toronto in 2021.

She is passionate about mental health and Islamic integrated therapy and aims to help bridge the gap between spiritual care and psychotherapy. She currently teaches Qur’ān, Hadith, and Fiqh at her local mosque whilst furthering her Islamic and Secular education.

Note: Sisters that are interested in volunteering for sister’s events, can email Sister Khadijah at:


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